The Kavumu case drew large media attention both at the national and international levels. A small selection of clipping and statements about the case.

©PHR The crowd gathered to attend the trial in fairground audience in Kavumu

Read Angelina Jolie's speech on sexual violence "Only last week a trial opened in the Democratic Republic of Congo for 46 alleged cases of the rape of children by militia fighters"

An international task force mobilized in order to bring success to the case. TRIAL international focused on the legal work, Physicians for Human Rights supported the investigation from the beginning, and Panzi Hospital, which specializes in sexual violence victims' care and was founded by Doctor Denis Mukwege: "the man who mends women".

Elsa Taquet, Daniele Perissi, Georges Kuzma and Philip Grant in TRIAL International's premises, January 2018.

It is hard to speak about a trial's success in a case that hurt so profoundly tens of children. The victims are still awaiting reparations. It is now for the experts and the children's entourage to assist the children and do their best to prevent them from grave psychological sufferings in their adults' life. TRIAL International will keep bringing its legal assistance and expertise to ensure that victims concretely obtain reparations.
As of today, no sexual violence victim has ever obtained reparations in the DRC.